Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Has anyone genuinally seen a ghost?

we moved in our new home and it wasn't until a month later that we realised the house was "alive"!bangs and knocks got worse as time progressed.we thought th next door neighbours were being noisy but it wasnt them!finally one night iwas waken by a huge bang which only i heard,as i opened my eyes someone whispered in my was then that i saw the most frightning sight in my life.a figure of a woman standing from waist up floating next to the bed.i was paralised and couldnt move....she then ped right through me and my partner who slept through the whole thing,the noises mostly occured when my partner was asleep,it was like it was draining her of energy.the ghost lady dissapeared through the wall into the next door neighbour!we called a medium which ped her to "the other side".we have had a happy quiet home since then

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