Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The girl I have a crush on always makes plans with other people?

There is a girl I met at the start of the school year and I really like her. I have talked to her over Facebook a couple of times. She always has plans with SOME of her friends that I do not like. They are part of the more "popular" group, and I only like a few of them. One time I was talking to her on Facebook and I kept mentioning that I was bored and had nothing to do. She said she was bored also. I was going to ask her if she wanted to hangout, but it didn't seem like she was into our conversation at all, so I didn't. I just told her she could text me if she wanted to and left my number. A few days later, I asked her what she was doing on Thursday (We had the day off) and she said she was going to a haunted house and asked what i was doing also with the common "hbu". I said "nothing, I'm trying to find plans for tomorrow before I go to bed". Then I just say "Ok, well I just wondering if you were up to anything tomorrow. I'm going to bed now. Bye" because I was about to p out. I always have to initiate the conversation to talk to her too. I'm kind of iffy on when I should ask for her number, because I'm not sure if she likes me :(

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