Thursday, August 11, 2011

My boyfriend talks about how hot other girls are and it really hurts me what should i do?

ok to make a long story short me and my fiancee are getting married in december of this year, i love him with all my heart i do we have arguements and at times we hurt each others feelings, but lately hes been talking about how hot other girls are and all that and maybe it shouldn't bother me but it does i have no self esteem at all or ever thought i was pretty or beautiful he tells me i am but when he says things like that he dont know i think how much hes hurting me, i dont want to seem jealous or want him not to have friends, i know he is gonna look at other girls and thats fine but, saying how hot they are or how cute they are brings me down so much i want to crawl in a hole and die cause i dont think im good enough or pretty enough for him, what can i do to make him stop sayin that it really hurts me, i know im not small like other girls or have a awsome body but i am who i am he should like me for me not what i look like. ne advice is needed cause i dk what to do im so hurt and confused idk how to handle this.

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