Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should I move with my sisters?

My sisters live together in one big house Emily, my oldest sister has a four year old daughter, Charlie, Charlie and Emily live on the first floor. Hannah my younger sister (still older then me) has her seven year old son Frodo they live on the second floor. They invited me to live on their emty third and top floor with my three children Pix my five year old son, Samantha my three year old daughter and Bernard my 5 week old son. My house is crappy and barly holds us all. Emily's husband (Charlie's dad) died, Hannah's husband went missing and my husband is in war. Each floor contains a living room two bathrooms (my sisters are rich,) four bedrooms, a kitchen, a big living room, and one emty room for anything else. I have been considering it. It's sort of like an apartment, we all have breakfast and dinners with our children, but we can visit each other anytime. Some one will always be with the children, for example my job is 9 am - 1 pm Hannah's is 1:30 pm - 5 pm and Emily's is 5 45 pm - 9 pm. Should I move in?

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