Saturday, August 13, 2011


I have read and researched the premises, the principals, the platform, the projected policies and ideas of the current Democratic candidate for President. For more then 104 weeks I have observed, listened, paid attention and ysed His rhetoric, pandering and constant shifting of position, philosophy and program. His supporters rank and rave “they oppose the current administration that the current government has caused nothing but ruin and fault.” To date I have heard nothing that indicates a change to anything better, any options that might possibly work or might even in the slightest be feasible. All I’ve heard is bashing, criticism, unfounded frustration doom and gloom. Apparently I need to be more left wing bleeding heart liberal to comprehend because “change for the sake of change” isn’t working. He can’t fix our school systems, hasn’t a plan to help commerce and industry, ignores American farmers, is much more beholding to big money and unions then anyone that has been offered, supports tax and spend beyond anything the Republicans could or would think of, is freely willing to dump millions into the failed United Nations, projects socialism and socialized medicine, lacks experience, lacks credibility, and has major support of nations that are outwardly considered terrorist in nature and policy. So other then looking okay snuggling up to Oprah and modelling a swim suit does he offer? His rhetoric is basic simple and always the same, “we need change” But what? How? And who will eventually pay for it? To date he hasn’t answered any problems. He stands for and represents anyone that at the moment will vote for him. He is a man for all seasons and a face for every one of them. Other then bashing the current administration, no one can actually state what problems will be solved by electing him.

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