Sunday, August 14, 2011

Does this give a good essment of muslims?

Again we hear the muslim whine that anti-terror laws are unfair to "moderate" muslims. Well how pray tell are we supposed to tell the moderates from the radicals? The moderates haven't exactly distinguished themselves by being outspoken against terrorism. Oh, they have an excuse. They say they're too scared to speak out. Seems like there are only two kinds of muslims. Those who are too scared to speak and those who are brave enough to blow themselves up. And us infidels are just supposed to "wait and see" to find out which is which. In the meantime we should give all of them the benefit of the doubt. But wouldn't it be more prudent under these cirstances to *distrust* all muslims until they prove themselves otherwise? And if that hurts the feeling of these so-called moderates, maybe that will be the incentive for them to find their lost courage.

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